Scholarship Policy
Section I
Article I
These by-laws may be amended or repealed by a two-thirds vote of the members present and entitled to vote at any meeting or a special meeting called for that purpose.
(Proposed amendments) A written copy of such proposed amendment(s) shall be provided to each member of the Scholarship Committee at least ten (10) days before such meeting.
The Scholarship Committee on their own motion or upon written application may propose amendments by any member of the association in good standing (paid up dues).
Article II
9Th Eng. Bn. FMF Scholarship Fund
The Scholarship Fund will be established with $500.00 from associations General Fund and shall be supported with an additional $500.00 from the General Fund each year deposited the first of May of succeeding years. Any additional funds from donation, memorials, and bequeaths shall be deposited into this fund as soon as possible after received by the committee.
These funds shall be invested in government securities, saving accounts, or certificates of deposit of a financial institution which are insured by the F.D.I.C., F.S.L.I.C. or an equivalent government related program or in other types of securities, insured by the S.I.P.C. which in the judgment of the Scholarship Committee are of equal or better quality with respect to security and income potential. All income therefrom shall be accumulated, added to and invested with and become part of the principle.
There shall be withdrawn from such fund only such amount(s) as is necessary to pay annual scholarship grant(s) the sum total not to reduce the remaining fund to less than $500.00 dollars, which sum shall be withdrawn and paid annually for the benefit of a member of 9Th Eng. Bn., their spouse, sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters, adopted sons, adopted daughters, step-sons or step-daughters then in good standing or of a deceased member who was in good standing at the time of his death. The recipients shall be selected in the manner outlined below.
Immediately after the annual meeting of each year
An appropriate notice shall be given to all Members in good standing (paid up dues) and to the extent possible to the family of deceased former members, that the scholarship grant(s) specifying the numbers and amounts available for the next academic year beginning in the fall.
The President shall appoint a Scholarship Committee to select the recipient(s) of the grant(s) for the next academic year. The Committee shall consist of six (6) members of whom three (3) shall be the current President, Treasure, Secretary and three (3) member-at-large who are not presently serving as a line officer. The Committee shall elect the chairman of the Scholarship Committee annually.
- The Scholarship Committee shall:
Furnish applications upon request to all qualified recipients.
Set an appropriate deadline for the receipt of all applications.
Review all applications submitted and from among them on the basis of scholarship, potential and need, select as the recipient(s) for the scholarship grant(s) for each year those who will, in the next academic year matriculate as a full-time student at an accredited college, university or Trade Schools.
Immediately upon selection, notify the President of the name(s) of the recipient(s), the amount of the award, the college(s) and or trade schools involved and other pertinent information pertaining to such recipients.
The Scholarship Committee chairman shall present to the Association the committee's recommendations for the scholarship grant(s) specifying the amounts and college(s) and or trade schools to which the awards are made.
Upon approval of the Committee's recommendations, the Scholarship Committee shall forthwith notify the recipient(s) and the college(s) and or trade schools involved of the amount of the award, which notification shall be in sufficient time so that proper consideration may be given thereto in the registration for the next fall term. The check shall be made payable to the college or trade school.
The Scholarship Committee shall adopt from time to time such additional rules and regulation as may be necessary to properly implement the program consistent with Article I.