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United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps

Gallery 1

End of day at the Motor Pool. 2nd person from right is CWO Gleyzal. Fourth from right is Fred DuPont (Marvin mobile). Person in white t-shirt is "Lucky" Lammond, Person to right of Lucky is Big John Nielson. The rest are unknown at this time.

LZ BALDY - Left to Right: Unknown, Sgt Jura, L/Cpl Weinstein, Sgt Mike Pearson, Corporal Mike Maxfield

LZ BALDY - Right to Left: Sgt Mike Pearson, unk, Corporal Mike Maxfield

CA LU - Lance Corporal Dixon on Eimco Dozer: "Damn that was close!"

CA LU - Larry Barabasz, I think, otherwise the guy who went on r/r with me to Bangkok was an imposter. (Larry, do you have any more 100 year old rice wine left?)  Dudas on right.